Saturday, August 29, 2009

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What I am grateful for

   I am thankul for having two eyes, eyesight, spectacles, ears, perfect hearing, a nose, being able to smell, a mouth, teeth, lips, gums ,a tongue, saliva, saliva glands, a skull, a brain, hair, a neck, a collarbone, a throat, a gullet, a windpipe, two shoulder blades, two elbows, two wrists, two thumbs, eight fingers, eight knuckles, twenty nails, two arms, a heart, two lungs, a stomach, a ribcage, a spine, a  backbone, a hip, a butt, two thighs, two kneecaps, a large intestine, a small intestine, a rectum, an anus, two ankles, ten toes, two feet, two legs, two heels, blood vessels, blood, skin and nerves.
   I am thankful that I am not Darryl Leong or a girl.
   I am thankful that I can walk and run.
   I am thankful that I have schooling and tution.
   I am thankful that I am alive, have stuff to eat and drink, normal and not retarded like Darryl Leong.
   I am not thankful that Darryl Leong and exist.
   I am not thankful for homework.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We may think the long weekend is a blessing, but it is actually a curse in disguise-already the teachers are taking advantage of all the holidays we have to give us extra homework, it is gonna get worse next year. While P1's-P5's have been looking forward to this few days ever since the latest holidays ended, I seriously doubt that we will have the same attitude next year as we will be P6 next year and thus we will be taking our PSLE oral on these to days! Ugh! Just the thought of it scares me! Aaahhhh!Must not let the PSLE stress get me... I Mmmuuuussssttttttt noooooottttt let the stress get meeeeeeeeee...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

